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ARM released iPad App

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ARM released iPad App

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ARM released iPad App

Jul 23rd, 12
ARIS: ARM's new iPad application for mobile environmental data management

Due to the complexity of environmental permitting, a surplus of data is continually being collected and stored electronically on our servers at Aquatic Resources Management. Now more than ever, the required application of this critical information requires inventive ways of efficient data management and access. To facilitate this new age of information access demand, we are pleased to announce the release of our first version of ARIS for the iPad.

For the past two years, we have developed ARIS as a comprehensive internal database used to facilitate the management of projects under the Clean Water Act (CWA) and Endangered Species Act (ESA). Now, using the poplar iPad computing platform, we have released a mobile app version of ARIS available to our clients to allow for instant and easy access to their project information. On a client and project basis, data generated from our internal database or even information from third parties, is stored and maintained on our internal hard drive and used to run specific reports on the ARIS app. One of the most popular features pertaining to USACE 402 permitting is the management of water discharges through the Discharge Monitoring Reports (DMR’s) feature.  This feature allows for easy management of hundreds of outfalls while on the go! This is just one example of this all-inclusive app that will change the way environmental data management is conducted for work under the CWA and ESA.

The ARIS app is currently available for free in the Apple “app store” found on your iPad. Once obtaining your password from us you can then log-in to ARIS on your iPad.

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